Diploma of Korean Language

Training Objectives of Korean Language

Diploma of  Korean Language  has good moral qualities, professional skills, pedagogical personality, good health, knowledge of Korean culture, ability to use Korean fluently , knowledge of Korean history, economy, politics, culture and society. After graduation, students can work effectively in specialized fields using Korean, meeting the needs of society and the economy of the country in the process of integration.


  • Apply knowledge of the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought and the revolutionary line of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the process of work and life. Know – understand and perform well the tasks of national defense – security in the cause of national construction and defense.
  • Know how to exploit basic computer knowledge, some software and apply it in the learning process, work and life.
  • Graduates are fluent in Korean with 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with language level TOPIK level 4 according to the Korean Government’s competency scale, which is equivalent to level 4 according to the competency framework. 6-level foreign language skills for Vietnam, English achieved TOEIC 400 points. Having sufficient professional qualifications to work effectively in professional and business fields, especially mastering the knowledge, theoretical basis and ability to practice translation and interpretation in communication situations.


Diploma of Korean Language has basic and necessary professional practice skills such as:

  • Know how to translate documents in Korean.
  • Apply current legal documents related to professional language translation.
  • Have skills in presentation, communication, working independently and in groups in Korean.
  • Having skills in using foreign languages ​​in common communication and translation, knowing how to apply vocabulary in the process of working.

Job position after graduation:

  • After graduating, students can work in cultural, educational, tourism agencies, foreign joint ventures or in Korean companies, or do research and teaching at universities, science centers.
  • Students can transfer to universities at Korean universities and Vietnamese universities that are affiliated with Science and Technology College.