
History of the establishment of the College of Science and Technology

The College of Science and Technology (“the College”) is directly subordinate to the vocational education system controlled by the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs. The College was established under Decision No. 819/QD-LDTBXH dated 26 June 2009, issued by the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs. In 2017, according to Official Letter No. 278/QD-LDTBXH, the College was renamed from the Vocational College of Technology to the current name, the College of Science and Technology.

The College of Science and Technology is not only a high-quality, prestigious, international-standard non-public vocational school that trains students in technology of all levels and various specializations but also a reputable and reliable Research – Application – Technology Transfer Center.

The College of Science and Technology offers various specializations to meet the requirements of society, including majors in the fields of engineering, economics, tourism, and information technology, such as Corporate Accounting, Computer Network Administration, Civil Electronics, E-commerce, Industrial Electronics, Office computing, Food processing technology, and Tourism. The College applies active teaching methods, develops thinking skills, and the ability to perform skills from basic to specialized, from simple to modern, and professional for learners; the College focuses on practical training and research in order to enhance the quality of training and continuously develops to show high quality.

The College has a team of experienced lecturers who are professors, doctors, and scientists, along with a team of entrepreneurs and skilled artisans that participate in training.

The College has spacious facilities, modern equipment, and a dormitory on campus for students, and it also supports students with bank loans.

The College has been developing cooperative relationships with foreign institutions to train students to study abroad in the form of apprenticeship training in many countries. The College will reserve the learning results for students going to work overseas under the program of the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs so that they can return to school to complete their degrees.

Notably, the College introduces jobs for students during their study in college.


(Excerpted from the speech of Principal Dinh Van Thien at the Ceremony announcing the decision to establish the College)

The College of Science and Technology was founded in the common context that it is imperative education should be closely attached and associated with the development of the country in every  aspect, especially for economic development, a prerequisite for the country’s and people’s prosperity. We are still proud that “Our country is rich in gold, silver, sea, and natural resources”, but if we do not have highly qualified human resources and advanced technology, the only thing we can do is to mine raw materials and sell them to other countries. That is true even in agriculture.

Mission and vision


The College of Science and Technology provides high-quality vocational, application-technology  education services, various specializations, and a favorable learning environment so that each learner has solid technical capacity, strong physical health, a clear mindset, and decent jobs.

The College contributes to the country’s development by  training high-quality technical human resources, researching technology applications, and providing responsive training services.


The College of Science and Technology is not only a high-quality, prestigious, international-standard  non-public vocational school that trains students in technology of all levels and various specializations but also a reputable and reliable Research – Application – Technology Transfer Center.

The College applies active teaching methods, develops thinking skills, and the ability to perform skills from basic to specialized, from simple to modern, and professional for learners; the College focuses on practical training and research in order to enhance the quality of training and continuously develops to show high quality.


Functions and tasks

  • To train human resources at college – intermediate – elementary vocational education level according to the registration certificate for vocational education activities issued by the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs.
  • To participate in vocational training for rural laborers under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1956/QD-TTg dated 27 November 2009; Training human resources for building a new countryside nationwide.
  • To foster and improve occupational skills for laborers at the request of production, business, service, and labor facilities; To participate in vocational training for laborers and teach engineering to high school students.
  • To build joint-venture, cooperative relationships with domestic and foreign institutions specializing in training, research, and business matters in accordance with legal provisions; To cooperate with enterprises, organizations, individuals, and families of apprentices in vocational training activities and with local authorities and socio-political organizations in training local and regional human resources.
  • To organize the development, approval, and implementation of training programs, curricula, and training materials for occupations permitted for training.
  • To organize enrollment, teaching and learning, assessment and examination, recognition of graduation, and grant of diplomas and vocational certificates according to regulations of the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs.
  • To register and organize the implementation of training quality accreditation and be under quality management of the training quality accreditation agency.
  • To manage staff, civil servants, officials, assets, land, and other resources of the College in accordance with legal provisions.
  • To publicize the College’s commitment to training quality, actual training quality, and quality assurance conditions; the implementation of scientific and technological research and application; and annual financial revenue and expenditure.


The College of Science and Technology strives to become a pioneer in the field of high-quality vocational training and an international-standard college as well as to build distinct identities:

  • Modern and advanced: Facilities for training, equipped with sufficient modern laboratory equipment; advanced training programs; highly qualified staff and lecturers; active teaching methods; diverse scientific and technological activities.
  • Friendly and vibrant: Many learning and emulation movements, many extracurricular activities, and collective activities to forge bonds between the College – students – family – society.
  • Training, science, and technology associated with practice: The majors, training programs, and scientific and technological topics are all designed to solve practical problems and serve production and business needs.
  • Paying attention to comprehensive human development training: Organizing additional training in English, informatics, and life skills for students; organizing cultural and sports clubs.
  • Creating job opportunities, learning opportunities: Allowing students after graduation to continue with higher level education; Partnership with domestic and foreign businesses to introduce local and labor export jobs for students; Cooperating with universities to create college-to-university transfer programs, opening opportunities for students to continue their studies at university.
  • Reasonable learning costs: Tuition fees, which strictly comply with the State’s regulations and policies for priority subjects, are considered suitable for the economic background of all social components.
  • Training and developing vocational skills for candidates participating in national and international skills competitions.

Core values

The College’s core values are built on the foundation of:

  • Collectivism: Solidarity, consensus, and excellent completion of all tasks.
  • Technology: Modern, updated, and associated with industry.
  • Expressive capacity: Great expertise, appropriate methods, proficient skills, standards; Social assessment as a measure of output.
  • Educational environment: Training people comprehensively.
  • Tradition: Creativity, wisdom, enthusiasm, confidence.