You are a college student, you are interested in automotive engineering and want to become an Automotive Technical Service Advisor, an Auto Repair Service Manager at car manufacturers across the country.
So do you have any idea what an Automotive Technical Service Advisor is? What’s its working process like? And what skills are needed to achieve that goal?
1. What is a Service Advisor?
The service advisor is the liaison between the customers and the technicians working in the garage or dealership. They work with customers to identify car problems and provide technicians with accurate repair descriptions. In addition, service advisors are responsible for greeting customers, listening to requests, scheduling appointments, and estimating costs.
Automotive technical service advisors need to know how to write repair request forms, repair process and after the repair is completed, they need to explain the work done to the customer’s vehicle and give safety advice for customers as well as for vehicles.
2. The required knowledge of a professional automotive technical service advisor
– Master the basic automotive technical knowledge.
– Understand customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction evaluation indicators
– Understand the importance of customer satisfaction to repair services and programs to improve customer satisfaction.
– Understand the essential expectations from customers, know how to deal with those expectations
– Acknowledge the main weaknesses in the repair service and how to improve
– Understand the importance of having loyal customers so that you can plan strategies to increase customer trust.
– Understand the role and skills needed to become an excellent service advisor.
– Understand the service processes and the importance of after-sales service.
– Ability to analyze and orient their customer service in the near future.
– Deeply understand what communication is and the causes of communication mistakes and take part in the standard communication training.
– Active listening skill, questioning skill and consumer psychology analyzing skill.
– Non-verbal expression, explanation skills and customer complaint handling skills.
– You will be able to practice operating the process at the service workshop.
– Understand basic and advanced technical overview of Electrical – Mechanical – Chassis – Dent repair – Paint systems on modern cars to be able to consult and orient customers.
– Understanding of spare parts activities and how to manage spare parts inventory.
– Standardize negotiation skills, understand the important points in the style of reception and improve customer service.
Để nhằm phục vụ tốt và tạo mối quan hệ với khách hàng bạn phải đặt mình vào vị trí của họ qua đó bạn sẽ hiểu khách hàng hơn nhằm mục đích biết được chính xác nhu cầu và thắt chặt hơn mối quan hệ với khách hàng. Và dưới đây là 5 yếu tố cần để đáp ứng được điều đó:
In order to serve customers well and create relationships with customers, you must put yourself in their shoes to understand them better, in order to know exactly what they need and strengthen relationships with them. And here are 5 factors needed to meet the above purposes, as follows:
– Attitude.
Polite, professional appearance, friendly basic skills of presenting and answering the phone, friendliness starting with a smile and greeting skills.
– Reliability
Keep your promises, look at the problem from the customer’s point of view, show your customer that you care.
– Being a good listener
Active listening, listening skills, non-verbal communication
– Self-expression.
Effective explanation, good presentation.
– Professional knowledge.
Strong product, technical and business understanding
Wish you to become an excellent professional service advisor, and successful in your career path.Information collected by the College of Science and Technology!